Yesterday the Asus ZenWatch popped up on Google Play, listed for $199 with the status of “coming soon”. At the time it was unclear exactly how quickly ‘soon’ meant, but apparently the answer was 24 hours. The Asus ZenWatch has now arrived both through Google Play and Best Buy, and is estimated to ship from the former of these options in just 1 to 2 days.
The ZenWatch is an interesting addition to the AW club because, while it might not be circular, its design certainly is eye-catching without being more expensive than arguably plainer looking Android Wear square options like the Sony Smartwatch 3, LG G Watch and Samsung Gear Live. The Zenwatch also has some interesting ‘extras’ on top of the typical AW experience like a built-in Find My Phone tool, a remote viewfinder, and several special health/wellness features specific to Asus’ offering.
To get a better look at what to expect from the watch, be sure to check out our first look video from back at IFA:
So how about it, anyone planning on picking up the Asus ZenWatch, how do you feel it compares to existing options?